Friday 10 October 2008


1. Where is your cell phone?
- donno

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
- donno

3. Your hair?
- ok

4. Your mother?
- bathing

5. Your father?
- computer-ing

6. Your favorite thing?
- audition

7. Your dream last night?
- crappy

8. Your favorite drink?
- none

9. Your dream car?
- donno

10. Say something about life?
- so-so

11. Your ex?
- single

12. Your fear?
- dying

13.What do you want to be in 10 years?
- undecided

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
- nobody

15. What youre not good at?
- english

16. Muffins?
- chocolate

17. When you DIE, u'd rather be CREMATED or BURIED?
- cremated

18 . Where you grew up?
- clementi

19. Last place youve been to?
- vivo

20. What are you wearing?
- singlet

21 . Where are you?
- singapore

22. Your pet/s?
- fish

23. Your computer?
- ( i don quite understand this ques )

24. Your life.
- funny

25. Your mood?
- happy

26. Missing?
- missing wad ?

27. What/Who are you thinking about right now?
- nobody

28. Your car?
- none

29. Your work?
- student

30. Your summer?
- none

31.When was the last time you laughed?
- afternoon

33. School?
- jurong


People its end of EOY ! three cheers for ALL jurong sec people ~
anw posting tmmrw :D
these days are all quizzes
i am sooo additced to them haha !




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